Monday, October 4, 2010

More Miracles This Week

Lately me and my companion elder you have been seeing miracle afterr miracle,,,, im not used to it,,,, i almost feel like asking God to slow down alittle, so i can set aside some time to thank him :) but honestly the past 2 weeks cant be explained with any other words but one.... "miracle"! before we we would get about 12 lessons on average a week, usually five of which are with a member present, and this week we got 27 lessons with 16 of which members were present, which is actually really amazing becuase we are just a branch down here in taidong, we usally have an average of three progressing investigators, this past week 9, investigators at church 1 about half the time, this week 6 , average for new investagators a wekk proably 2-3, past two weeks we have gotten 8 each week, things are looking good for this area i really hope i can be here one more with elder You,,,, i hope they dont call me to go senoir this next week, i really would like one more as the man with not as many wories :)
but other then that i am doing great here in taiwan, there is only one thing ive had enough of, and thats the misquitos, they like that white meat! not much else to really say! i hope you all enjoyed confrence..... and them good holidays are coming around the corner.. i hope your all excited! dont worry i wont be getting homesick, im to busy!
o that pic with me and the water.... i dont know what happened, but all the sudden a big wave came and i was all the sudden soaked and my shoes were full of sand.... so i decided to quickly snap a pic :)
love/from elder Brunson