hey all, well i finally did something i have wanted to do my entire life! i tried getting Sara to do it with me about two years ago.... but got rejected, rejection is a great thing now... it has really taught me how to use the atonement asap, i've become numb to it so numb that when i go home i see it making me that much more dangerous (competition) in the dating world mwhahahahah i will contact EVERYONE . im really wanting to go to byu hawaii becuase i got a good friend from the mission going there, and we want to hit up tons of concerts together he goes home next week but i got along time before i need to worry bout that stuff... but anyways back to my thing... so yes instead of riding a two seater bycicle with a beautiful girl, i was left to do it with a male, not that he isn't a pretty male, it just wasnt how i pictured it would happen it wasnt quite the dream i had in mind.... but you know i had a great time... and SARA,you missed out! hahaaha yeah we took those things off roading, they were hard to ride, but as we improved our companionship unity it got better,,, we almost killed a couple people and got some swear words thrown at us due to our terrible skills but other then that i think it went perfect.... it was a great pday to release stress! the work is going up hill,,, we are on the train i think i can i think i can.. except WE know WE can!
love you all ,,,,, Elder Brunson