Sunday, March 20, 2011

From March 6th

sorry still no picks..... you know why? because im super FAT and don't want anyone to see! none of my clothes fit anymore! man how much i wish that was true, because if that was the case i would be buddha and everyone could rub my belly and get really rich!
Well last week i had to spend 200 hundred american dollars on curtains, about a year ago like my first four months on island i cut some curtains in an apartment because mits were bitting me in my sleep, and my comp who was going home at that time said i could cut them... so i did, i cut them so i could put them in washer... then about 2 weeks ago i get a call from the mission office asking if i knew who cut the curtains..... i was like yeah , ME.... man taiwan is good at getting money out of me... two bikes and curtains... the government must love my pocket, im gonna need a job asap when im back.
well we are finding... but none of them seem quite excited for baptism yet! we invite to baptism in every first meeting.... and they used to always say yes because me and my last companion really knew how to work together... now me and my comp now are trying to manage that,,, training really teaches patience... ... but turns out the are changing the way things happen... the mtc training is changing and so are the way trainers train... the new church rule coming out... trainers will have a book to train on an hour a day. and will have to be with there comps fro two transfer... the presidency is making some changes!
well today i might watch shrek 4 ... its raining.... its approved out here mwahahaah.... but president still hasn't approved my rock music yet,,,, but i'm woking on that..... ahaahh just kidding... but we can watch shrek..... plus i don't need to get the rock approved... i'm emailing right now and linkin park is on in this place......aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!
WEll love you all. Elder Perkins is coming this thursday. to train... he's the asia area president.
ELder Brunson