Monday, July 19, 2010

hey all well its a new transfer, now transfer 5, and im staying in my third area still Taidond.... the good ole south. hopefully a typhoon should be coming soon, im ready for it.. i want the biggest :) im in the area where it got hit the harderst last time... oh and i didnt get to mention,,, for that uchtdorf broadcast,,, our branch didnt have the set up, to be able to to watch it on tv..... but what do you know that used to be my job, so i ran a wire for our church in the attic, probly the first missionay to go into the church attic in taiwan lol.... thats the 2nd time AVE has paid off. the attics are really hot here in taiwan too, and i was up there for about 1 and half and one of the mebers was freaking out thinking i was goona die so he cut a hole in the ceiling to get me water lol... my companion was down with him and was like what the heck are you doing hahhah elder brunson