Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas! Here's your gift... lots of pictures!

hey here are some pictures from this past week enjoy. most are them are from the bike ride we went on last pday with our investigator that got baptized this christmas day :) then there is a girl she is one of our new investigators, she is great, i met her in my english class, asked her to meet with us, she said she was already christian, asked if we could share more about jesus, she said yes, we taught her thursday, set a date for the 1/29-2011 (we set dates in all the first lessons, we do what the prophet says and that is what he wants :)) then invited her to the baptism on christmas and she came, then we had an activity that night and she came to that too, then invited her to church and she came to that. teaching the girls here is a little scary, because sometimes it is hard to tell if they are in it for the gospel, or for hanging out with some big nosed white people....well merry christmas and happy new year everyone :)
love eldeR bRunson