hey alls I’m lows on time again , when is Tim going home? next month right? hey and you all stay happy, randy fill me more in on that apt. and stuff, how much is my part of the rent? Aaron keep aiming high, Brooke do good in school, Aubrea keep hitting the streets, i love you all, and miracles are just being worked out here,,, its a bummer i dont really write in my journal,,, and thats a commandment to from the book of mormon,,, i can see why. well im pretty sure next transfer there throwing me back down to DL ive been ZL for five now, and president pretty much already told me it would be that way. im excited for that, because i was only DL for one last time and trained at the same time. well time is here and its time for me to get off this thing prob, love you MoM love YOu Dad, and of course Lynette and chris you guys rock too, see yalls soon. peace ELda Brunson
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