Posted by Aubrea at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Hey yall Well we had a good ending week, found some good new investigators, they are quite prepared, ones father just died, and the other is looking for a true church and work. they are progressing as of now and the willingness they have is going to get them in the water, its nice being able to leave the area with something to leave behind, well I'll be seeing you all soon, it still hasn't hit me yet, and I still don't feel trunky,,,, But i do miss mexican food :) Love ya all!
Posted by Aubrea at 8:59 PM 0 comments
hellos you all. As you may have noticed I was not able to call home.... oh well, time to talk will be plenty when I am home.... I look forward to spending time with ALL of you so will have to figure things out so time with ALL of you can be spent, I want to develop relationships with ALL of you and I’m glad I will have time to do it. This is the last week and now its time to give the extra last big push get it all out of me. I'm excited too bad you ALL cant be here to see it happen! Well I love sharing my testimony about Jesus Christ and watching people change, that’s the meat of a mission. Love you all! Love to seeing you all, Aaron and Brooke especially :) sorry I cant spell, my English out here hates me for that.... well see yas in a week peace!
Posted by Aubrea at 3:01 PM 0 comments
Hey everyone I’m still alive despite the 3sty's I had in one week, hitting my head on an edge of metal that took off a chunk of my hair while on exchanges, loosing the phone for two hours (it fell off my comps waist outside), and the many other experiences God has given me to keep me on my toes these last couple weeks, still doesn’t feel real yet and probably wont till I'm on the plane. These last two weeks I can spend some time with my recent converts from my mission I'm excited. And then I will be seeing you all at the airport... before you all come I would like to ask you ALL to read a talk. It is the April 2002 edition of General Conference, by Thomas S. Monson, called hidden wedges. Click Here We all have some wedges we can work on getting rid of. Well Aubrea had an idea of going to Murrillo’s after the airport and I think its a great idea, because Mexican food is what I miss the most... enchiladas and homemade tacos! You people are so spoiled... my face is hurting out here because I'm trying to get all the last bit of Asian food I can get in me, but it's all so oily! Well the phone disappearing and being found is actually a miracle and an answer to a prayer me and my companion both said together, it turns out a lady we had contacted that same night had stumbled across it in the street, I think God allowed it to happen to prepare that family... because they actually before we realized the phone was gone, set up a time to meet with us. Well everyone take care... still don’t know if I can call home i'll figure things out... soon maybe.... don’t worry if you miss my call if I even do call, i'll find some way to let you all know a head of time, when i'll be calling...if I do. Happy Thanksgiving... this is #3 for me as a missionary. Love yallz
Posted by Aubrea at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Hey all, congrats to randy on your new baby girl... now you have all the excuses in the world to get fat, I hear once people get married they are aloud a le way of up to 20 pounds of gaining and once you have kids its 40.... so in that case I probably wont be getting married in two years, because I’m not ready to get fat yet. I cant imagine what being pregnant must be like.... because your not really fat and you cant stop it either, but it still looks like your fat.... every morning I wake up I am grateful to still be a man. Well congrats Tim on completing his 2 year mission, I expect him at the airport waiting for me with Flowers and letters of apologizes, because he didn’t write me the entire time, at least a dear john would have been nice, and you too Dylan, where’s my letter that you were going to send over a year ago :( its okay at least my Taiwanese friends write me:) so I was thinking about the best way to enter into the airport and surprise you all, I was thinking something along the lines of Chinese fireworks and a tazer in my back..... But then I realized you cant take the act test in a jail cell, so I have order a jet pack online and plan to be landing in the corn fields of Dixon, I have asked my Chinese friends in America to burn one of the fields to make a clean landing, so if your at the airport and don’t see me, be sure to check the sky first, ill leave a banner connected to the end of my cap so you guys can tell its me, but it will be written in Chinese so family be sure to bring your Chinese friends to translate best would be the lady from Mongolian bbq, she knows me :) well love you all say hello to the Vacaville ward for me PEACE
Posted by Aubrea at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Hey alls well not much to say. My new comp is from so cal his name is elder Kasparian... well I’m alive and well... went on four exchanges this week all back to back,,,, so I am tired... its the first time I've done that but I wanted all exchanges out of the way fro the last 2 weeks so I could visit people so I’m making this first 4 weeks super xinku (tough) loves Elda B
Oh yes I forgot to mention one thing, well there was this tour bus with lots of people that got off so I rode up to all the people as they got off and starting contacting them and teaching about Jesus and then they pulled out cameras and next thing I knew there was a woman next to me pressing against me putting a peace sign up then she put her arm around me... I froze and all this rules that were being broken went threw my head, the first one being when ever there are cameras I get nervous because then I cant mess up and we cant take pictures with woman alone so when this woman got right against me and there were cameras I just froze and smile it happened to fast I smile cuz there were cameras and then all the sudden her arm was a round me,,, an then I ran away a couple feet shouting not allowed then they starting complaining and said she just wants a picture, and then she ran over and threw her arms around me....well then I called President I told him I feared it would get on the news and the church would look bad, and he laughed and said yeah it could,,, I told him I had to contact them cuz it was a bus full of people I cant pass that up, then he asked some questions like how old she was, I told him 40 something .... And mentioned "for the record president, I didn’t enjoy it" then he laughed again....
Posted by Aubrea at 2:31 PM 0 comments